I am doing some reasearch to better access options for developing a game prototype. I would like to know if the standard behavior of Ork's grid battle allows for "hiding" a combatant (make it invisible for the camera, not targetable by the player and not appearing in the UI but still being present in the battle). If not, is this something that could be done without altering core code from the framework?
Thanks in advance!
(Ps: amazing job being done with this framework, congrats!)
Invisible - either change the combatant game object's layer to a layer the camera isn't displaying or disable the renderers. Both can be done via schematics, Object Visible node for showing/hiding via renderers or Set Object Layer node to change the layer.
As for targeting, that's a bit more complex. Here I'd suggest using a status effect (e.g. a hidden effect to hide it from the player) and check for that effect in Target Conditions of your abilities and items (found in Target Selection Settings > Conditions of them).
Both can be combined by having the status effect use schematics to hide the combatant when applied and shown when the effect is removed via the effect's Change Settings > Schematics.
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