When I control the character hits the collider, there is a high probability that the character will turn around 180 degrees. I have downloaded the 2D Grid Battle RPG tutorial project and found this problem too. Is there any way to fix it?
  • That's due to handling the 2D directional animations based on the movement direction. Running into something causes a small move into the other direction (caused by physics) which changes the movement direction and animation.

    There are other ways to set up 2D characters, e.g. rotating into the direction you're moving and having the character's sprite on a child object always facing the camera (e.g. via Face Camera component).

    The tutorial will soon be updated to use a different way to do this.
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  • Ah, so the physics caused, and that is why sometimes hit the wall will play a short walking animation... Thanks, looking forward to the tutorial update!
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