I've been going through the tutorials (which have all been really great so far) but I had a lot of problems with the UI box ones so I skipped them, and now that I'm at the 3D RPG Playground - Start Menu I had to come back to the UI boxes.

So I must be missing how to save the box as a prefab because I can't select the one I made thru the tutorial under Unity UI. Only the beige and blue ones show up there. I know this is something simple I probably missed but I've gone through Unity UI: Initial setup, Unity UI: UI Box and the Start Menu tutorial and I haven't figured it out.
  • Do you know how to create prefabs out of game objects in your scene? You just need to drag the game object from the scene hierarchy on your project tab to create a prefab. So, for UI boxes, select the UI box game object (not the canvas) and drag it on the project tab.

    That's all you need to do to be able to use the UI box prefab you create :)
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  • That's what I was missing! I just went onto the First Interaction tutorial and did it, thank you!!
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