I was trying to make it so you can use WASD or use up/down/left/right arrows for movement.
Under Input Keys the Tooltip on Input ID says you can set it to -1 to ignore input IDs but it doesn't allow you to set it there on the input.
I tried finding Global input ID but can't locate it.
Under global machines there is an "Override input ID" that the Tooltip says this machine will override the Global input ID.
Where is the Global input ID?
Is that how I would accomplish using multiple controls for the same movement is setting it to -1?
Another movement question: I would like to as a 3rd option for moving forward have right+left mouse hold be Move Forward.
I created a combo input key for right and left mouse button Hold, but selecting a combo key doesn't give you the Positive and Negative so I'm not sure how to assign the combo to Positive. When I move this input to the top, it does not work.
So my end goal is that W, Up arrow, and right+left mouse, ALL do Verticle Move Positive (Forward move).
Question about navigation bar HUD:
I can't find anything in Ork3 documentation about it. I found this Ork2 tutorial
https://orkframework.com/ork-2/tutorial/gameplay/navigation-bar/The thing is that when I create a HUD and select Navigation Bar, the "Navigation Settings" has only 1 option, UI Layout. There are no settings referred to in the tutorial (display range, forward, offsets). No other settings appear except UI Layout.
Do I need to enable Navgiation bars somewhere else? Are they not in Ork3 and the HUD type is a legacy option from Ork2?
Edit: 1 more question on editor errors I'm getting
"GUI Error: Invalid GUILayout state in MakinomEditorWindow view. Verify that all layout Begin/End calls match
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)"
Also this one
"UnityEditor.ObjectPreview was not disposed properly. Make sure that base.Cleanup is called if overriding the Cleanup method. If you are implementing this in an Editor or EditorWindow, don't forget to call ObjectPreview.Cleanup in OnDisable.
UnityEditor.ObjectPreview:Finalize ()"
Seems to occur related to schematic / animation controller windows.
The global input ID defaults to 0 and can be changed/checked using schematics (Change Input ID and Check Input ID node).
However, if you want to have multiple inputs to be used for the same input key, i.e. not for e.g. control style changes or local multiplayer (not supported by ORK, though) - you'd set them all up as individual input keys and combine them in an input key that uses the other input keys for it's input.
See this tutorial for an example.
As for the navigation bar - in ORK 3, as with all the other UI (e.g. other HUDs), the setup depends on the UI module. In Unity UI, the setup is done on the prefab used by your HUD.
You can create it like other HUDs via the scene hierrarchy context menu: Makinom > HUD > Navigation Bar
The navigation bar component (game object) itself uses navigation point prefabs for showing different content information.
Can you give me more details on where/when you get the error?
This can usually be ignored, though - just something happened during a GUI phase in the editor it didn't like :)
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1) Oh duh ok. I was using "Key Combo" thinking that's what it meant lol. Using Input Key solved it for the arrows.
On the mouse it recognizes that I'm holding both buttons but requires mouse movement for the axis. I've been playing with the settings but haven't been able to figure it out.
Is there a way for the mouse buttons to behave like a keyboard button being held down? So that holding left+right behaves like holding down W.
I'm looking for the RPG type control where you can be running with WASD / Mouse turn but also use Left+right mouse held for forward while mouse turning.
Or barring that a way to make a key like auto-run? I've been messing with all of the input settings but no luck hehe.
OR a way to have both Button control and mouse control (Ork Control Settings -> Player Controls)?
2) Oh jeez, I totally thought those settings were in Makinom/Ork because of the way the Ork2 tutorial says it. I should have looked further first before asking you sorry.
3) Ok I've been paying attention and found a spot the error happens is when I click on Add Node on the toolbar in schematics. Unity is 2021.3.8f1
4) New question, I'm full of them this week! :)
Item Collector component on Combatant prefab set to use loot table
Prefab used with different combatants, same look different Combatant Types
Some loot in table is for all combatants.
Condition for each combatant type for special item type themed for that combatant type.
I can't get the conditions to work. I've tried User and Target as the Game Object and tried combatant and spawner as Origin. Also tried setting selected object mouse click on start to same as click interaction for looting corpse thinking maybe I could make it the selected object but didn't work.
Everything else works, ie turning off the condition the items drop and all loot boxes work as expected.
5) Battle Grid cell -> Own Deployment could we get Group as an option or set Level range on Enemy type deployment?
Level Zone appears to only affect where the Battle Component is at and not the Grid Cell the Enemy Spawn Cell type is on. Wanting to have different types of enemies/levels exclusive to an area of the Grid
So I can't use Enemy Spawn Cell type and set them random in the Battle component because it would mix the levels and combatant types up randomly all over the map.
I see Deployment Type has Enemy as an option can use conditions to be only of Combatant Type I want, but no level range so would have to set it on the combatants, which is fine but means need copies at different starting levels or init schematic checking what scene they are in to set starting level.
6) Phase Battle -> Player Combatant Selection
Possible to use Auto Select but allow selection box still?
Like uncheck "Use Combatant Choice" so it auto cycles through turns but the Selection box is still available to change to another combatant if the autoselect wasn't what player wants?
Like Civilization units. It auto cycles through units so you don't HAVE to select one, but if you Want to select a different one you can.
The variable does change in inspector but not until after the item box is destroyed.
I'm misunderstanding the tooltip for Start schematic or not realizing the reason it doesn't end until after the item box is destroyed (I thought that is End schematic).
Anyway I just made copies of the combatant prefab for now since that is super simple solution LOL.
Thanks much!
4) Using Loot in an item box uses the player for the checks.
5) If you use the Combatant deployment type on a cell (or cell type), the position of the cell is used for getting the level range, otherwise it's the battle's position (or spawners, etc. - wherever the combatant is initially created).
6) I don't think that's currently possible.
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