I am using a real time battle system based on the 3D Action tutorial. When I add an ally combatant to the player group they will not use battle AI against an enemy though the enemies can use battle AI against them without issue. I have tried loading the same enemy combatant prefab/set up as the ally but still same issue. The ally battle information shows the combatant in battle but stuck before turn. It is using Hunt move AI and has the enemy as the target.
2nd question: If I am using a real time battle area (scene) what is the best way to transition allies in the player group from follow move AI to hunt or really any other AI when close to an enemy combatant?
You can find those settings for all combatants in Combatants > Combatants > General Settings in the Battle Settings > Default AI Settings. Each combatant can optionally override them.
2) You don't really need to switch it - a hunting move AI can still follow it's leader, it'll simply check for possible targets to hunt while following the leader.
If you want to let the player have control over that, you could e.g. use an ability, item or schematic (e.g. started via control maps) switch the move AIs of player group members.
Or, for being close to enemies, you could add a Trigger Machine to your enemy prefabs that changes the move AI of those entering the trigger (collider).
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