Hiya! I'm trying to initiate an action through a schematic (in battle) using the 'use battle action' node and 'calculate action,' but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm wondering if this is not possible, or if there's something I'm doing wrong. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Thank you!
E.g. if this is used by a schematic animating another action, you can use Sub Action as the Add Action type. This'll use the action as part of the currently ongoing action and not disrupt the battle order.
Otherwise, Try will only try to use the action, but it might not be possible currently (e.g. user currently in action), or Next Action will register it as the next planned action for the user and use it when it's that user's turn.
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Future updates might add new functionality for this, but can't really say if and when that'll come. For now, you can e.g. 'simulate' using the action, by just animating it in the turn end schematic (or using it's schematics there) and calculating the outcome using an Use Ability Calculation node.
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