How to adjust the coloring parameters using the nodes of ORK3?

  • The Change Color node can change other properties of a renderer/material. Enable Is Property, define the Property Name and, for properties like this, enable Is Float to change float instead of color values.

    The Property Name is not Layer Power, that's just the name dispalyed in the editor. This needs to be the actual name in the material's code.
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  • Automata have bugs!
    Repeat execution is not enabled, and the variable condition does not execute the schematic when the condition is reached. If you enable repeat execution, the schematic will run, but it will be repeated and cannot be executed once and then stopped.



  • The Start start type will start the schematic either when the level was loaded and the game object is in the scene, or when the game object is spawned in the scene. If the varaible condition isn't valid at that point, the schematic will not start.

    You can also start the machine by variable changes - click on the Add Notify Start button in the machine's Start Settings. You can e.g. be notified when that specific variable changed, the machine will try to start at that point (if the conditions are valid).
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