I want to show up the Original UI of the Status values that there were already made in ORK in Script. I read the forum and I realize that I need to use ORK editor in the script. but There is no ORK editor in header.
I can use as hearder
using GamingIsLove.ORKFramework;
but there is no ORK. function and I cant't use
string name = combatant.Status[id].Setting.GetName();
I can't use as header
using GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Editor;
I found the Documentation about script. "I can use the my own custom editor script (e.g. via the Unity menu using a MenuItem attribute) while the ORK editor is open to be able to save those changes."
What should I do to use the ORK function by script???
Are you using ORK 2 or ORK 3? ORK 2 namespaces are with ORKFramework, ORK 3 with GamingIsLove.ORKFramework (and also GamingIsLove.Makinom, since it's an extension for Makinom).
If you can give me more details on what you want to do I can give you better advice :)
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First of all, don't use editor code in gameplay scripts, i.e. using UnityEditor; should be removed.
You also try to access functionality that's not there, e.g. for the name you can use: string name = ORK.StatusValues.Get(id).GetName();
As for the combatant - where should that combatant come from? Stuff needs to be defined to be accessible, e.g. if the combatant is attached to the game object, you can get it like this: Combatant combatant = ORKComponentHelper.GetCombatant(gameObject);
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ORK 2 namespaces are with ORKFramework, ORK 3 with GamingIsLove.ORKFramework (and also GamingIsLove.Makinom, since it's an extension for Makinom).
If you can give me more details on what you want to do I can give you better advice :)
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I don't know where ORK is.
there is the capture of my script.
You also try to access functionality that's not there, e.g. for the name you can use:
string name = ORK.StatusValues.Get(id).GetName();
As for the combatant - where should that combatant come from? Stuff needs to be defined to be accessible, e.g. if the combatant is attached to the game object, you can get it like this:
Combatant combatant = ORKComponentHelper.GetCombatant(gameObject);
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thank you for your quick answer. It was really useful.
I love this assset!!