
I would like to create a conversation scene like Visual Novel with ORK Framework3.
Is it possible to create an automatic message playback function?
e.g. I would like to calculate the time to display the next message by the number of characters.

Also, is it possible to turn on/off autoplay with a button placed on the message window?
  • this framework has a node visual scripting interface which probably allows you to do this. but did you need only those functionalities?

    there is a free version, you can download and try it.

    but probably you may have a better option in trying naninovel.

    that one is perfect for visual novels, has a lot of nice features specific for this task.

    the ideal is the rpg math using this framework and dialogue using naninovel. which is my goal after I've managed to figure out how this works.
  • For typical visual novel dialogues, you should probably better integrate an existing 3rd party asset that has that functionality.
    While ORK's dialogues support stuff like text typing, automatically closing after some time, etc., there are no in-depth visual novel features like that available.
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