Sorry, seems like the update has an issue with updating the equip schematics with the new settings. Will fix that shortly with an update.
If you use the same equipment schematics for your equipment, you can now set up default schematics for all equipment in Inventory > Inventory Settings > Inventory Schematic Settings, or set up equip schematics for equipment (instead of per level) in the equipment's schematic settings.
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ORK 3.14.1 is available with a fix for that. In case you've saved in the editor after the update, your data might be lost already, though - so I'd recommend to go from a backup in that case.
Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found. If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on!
I recommend to always make a backup of your project before updating to a new version (both ORK and Unity version updates).
Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found. If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on!
Will fix that shortly with an update.
If you use the same equipment schematics for your equipment, you can now set up default schematics for all equipment in Inventory > Inventory Settings > Inventory Schematic Settings, or set up equip schematics for equipment (instead of per level) in the equipment's schematic settings.
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In case you've saved in the editor after the update, your data might be lost already, though - so I'd recommend to go from a backup in that case.
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on!
I have a habit of experimenting with new things in beta projects, so my data still exists!
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on!