Thanks for your other answers, we've been able to solve most of them.
What is the best way to display currency amount in the hud?
Also with turn based battles, could you tell me where I set up the display for the enemy stats? And also where I decide where it's shown. Also there a way to display it as a bar over the characters heads?
  • You can e.g. show a combatant's currency in a HUD as shown in this tutorial.
    You can also add it to any HUD via a HUD Text Content component and using currency text codes (via More button above the text area, Data > Currency). Those text codes can also be added to any other HUD text component or other texts in the editor.

    You can display enemy stats just like the player stats, i.e. a Combatant type HUD that has Enemy enabled as displayed group. See the simple player HUD tutorial as an example for this (just enable using it for enemy as well).

    To display a HUD at the position of a combatant on screen, you can use the Combatant Object type HUD. E.g. the enemy HUD in the 3D Action RPG tutorials uses this to show the name and health bar of enemies.
    This gameplay bits tutorial extends a bit on this by changing them to using world space canvases.
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