I use a formula to calculate the MaxHealth and when I press "Play" after creating my Party the MaxHealth value is correct but the current Health which is set to 100% of MaxHealth in the "Status" tab is one?!?!?
If I add code to change that to the character creation script then the current Health is correct until I load a game. Then it is one again.
ORK.Game.ActiveGroup.GetMember(currentCharacter-1).Status[11].SetValue(help, false, false, false, false, false, false);
ORK.Game.ActiveGroup.GetMember(currentCharacter-1).Status[89].SetValue(help, false, false, false, false, false, false);
Adding the same lines but with "BaseValue" instead has no effect.
Also after loading a game the amount of "Player Prefab (Clone)" objects goes from 6 to 18(!!). 6 of them have the names I typed in the character creation the others have "Player 1" to "Player 6".
Both work fine for me, but you need to keep in mind that the Formula status development is only used on level up to calculate what will be added to the status value - you need to use the Initial Value to define the start value.
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The "Status Development" set to "None" is the problem.Because it takes the initial value below then as the value of "MaxHealth" for the "Health" status. Changed the initial value to 17 in the "Status Development" and now the character has 17 "Health".So somehow the "Combined Value" formula for "MaxHealth" is ignored.
Another EDIT: I changed it from "None" to "Formula" for the "MaxHealth" status development and it still save the initial value in that entry for current health.
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