I have an issue with what I am guessing is from Move AI. I have two combatants in my party and when I switch to the other, I can control the combatant but it will return to what might be a waypoint or something. The combatant I start with control over works like it should, but then when I switch away and back again, it does the same thing as the 2nd combatant. Returning to some point. Move AI should automatically be disabled when under player control correct?
NavMesh agent should automatically be disabled by the built-in player controls, in case that's what you're using.
If you're using custom controls, you can implement turnging on/off the pathfinding component there.
Via schematic, a solution could be adding an Auto Machine or a Tick Machine to your combatant prefabs that checks if it's the player and enable/disable the component based on that.
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