I've given up for the time being trying to update (I'm sure there's a tutorial somewhere, but I have to admit to struggling finding things amonst the ocean of information on both these forums and on the website). There are some tricks to using search that I haven't yet mastered.

Could someone kindly provide their steps for updating to a new version? Whatever I'm doing isn't working and I end up with a blank screen in the Makinom editor.

I'm updating from Version 3.14.1 to Version 3.15.1.

  • All you should need to do is important the new DLLs over the old ones. Just accepting the defaults from the Package Manager import is the easiest way.

    You used to need to right click the GamingIsLove and choose re-import occasionally, but I believe that's been fixed for a few versions but although it's no longer necessary, it doesn't hurt to do that and/or restart Unity afterwards either.
  • Usually you simply need to import the new version from the Asset Store and that's all there is to it.

    I'd strongly recommend to always make a backup of your entire Unity project's folder before updating any asset in your project, though (not just ORK) - you never know what might get broken by an update.

    Do you get any error message in the console? Also, which Unity version are you using?

    Something that can often solve broken things is to delete the Library folder of your Unity project (while it's closed). This will recreate the whole asset database and often solve issues that can come from version updates of any asset. No data will be lost from that, just takes some time in larger projects to reimport eveything again.
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  • edited June 2023
    2022.3.1 LTS is my Unity version. Perhaps that's the issue.

    It's not urgent and I'll wait for a week or two before trying again.

    There's no specific error. I overwrite the files as you do and then load the ORK editor. It loads as completely blank..the UI itself does not load for the Makinom editor...just a blank Unity window.

    If I delete all of my Data files before updating, the Makinom editor loads.

    If I copy my Data files back and then attempt to load my project file into Makinom, it seems to work. But pressing play, lots of things go wrong. Editor sluggishness and console errors...null references mainly and UI errors.

    Thanks for the response. As far as I can tell, we're doing the same thing, but with different results...but as I'm a n00b, I'm going to assume it's me :)

    edit - Oh, and I'll try the library delete and rebuild.
    Post edited by tomraegan on
  • edited June 2023
    The error would happen when opening the editor, not when importing. Something goes wrong during initialization and that'd throw the error.

    So, if you can post that error, I can look into it.
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • ORK 3.15.2 bugfix update fixed my issue on Unity 2022.3.1.

    Simply overwrote the files and all is well. Thanks.
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