I have a setup where I have a Quest Board that when clicked on shows available quests. Clicking on a quest will show the quest details, including Quest Tasks, and an Accept or Cancel button. This setup was copied from one of the tutorial projects I believe.
I'd like setup a particular quest to run a schematic when it's been accepted. To do this I added an Activate Schematic to one of the Quest Tasks. This works! When the quest is accepted, the schematic is run. Unfortunately the schematic is also run when the quest details UI comes up showing the quest tasks before the user clicks Accept. So the schematic is actually run twice.
Now I can solve this by added a condition to the quest task with the activate schematic. I can say don't active the quest task until the Quest is active. This work! The schematic only runs once after the quest is accepted. However now the Quest Task is not listed in the quest details in the UI.
Is there something I can do to get this to work as I intend? Run a schematic once when a quest is accepted, but still show all quest tasks when showing quest details?
I'll look into it, maybe an option to not start schematics in the node. No, while I could store it into selected data, there's no node that can do anything with it.
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