Can a increment a Quest Task Count when the quest task is not active.
Quest Task: Light 4 signal fires
Lighting a signal fire increments Quest Task Count
If the player lights a signal fire before they have the quest, it seems that it not counted. Is there a way to have it count regardless of if the quest task is presently active?
It seems I could use a Global Variable Condition instead of a Count condition to do this, but the Variable Condition doesn't allow me to visually show the count status on the quest log.
Inactive quests (i.e. quests that are known but set inactive) can be changed by the Quest Task Count node, but don't receive automatic count increases (e.g. when collecting items or killing enemies).
One way to have this work for not known quests is using the Activate Schematic of the task to change the count based on e.g. a global variable. That way the count for the signal fires (if they increase a global variable) can be passed on to the quest when it's started.
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Yes, that should work. Thanks!