I have a question about the action information notification in BattleText.
Is it possible to close it when there is an input instead of Visibility Time?
Is this possible if I use Before Closing Schematic?
I am using a translator, so apologies if I am using the wrong English.
You could use an open schematic in the UI box (e.g. After Open Schematic without Wait enabled) that checks for input (Wait For Input node) and hide the UI in that case (i.e. fade out).
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I want to create a text for something like the Dragon Quest series during battle, is what I am trying to create in the action information notice in the battle text wrong first?
Generally, the action info notifications are just displaying a quick info when an action starts (e.g. combatant A uses action X).
For anything else, you can use the schematics that animate your actions to do whatever you want - e.g. show a dialogue.
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The fighter unleashed a Fire Attack!
50 damage to the red mushroom!" I want to display text like this.
I can use the show dialogue in the schematic to display the dialog, but how do I display a name like fire attack or a calculation result like 50 damage?
Is there a text tag to display calculation results, etc.?
I did the 2D tutorial in the meantime, but sorry if I missed something.
You can display it via a Console type HUD, using actions, doing damage, etc. can each automatically add defined texts with that information to the console. There are also per-combatant consoles available that keep track of console texts related to that combatant (can be displayed via combatant HUDs).
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- enable Use Console in UI > Console Settings & Types > General Settings
- add a new HUD in UI > HUDs and use the Console type, unlike other HUDs, the console HUD uses a UI box to display the console texts, so now separate HUD prefab needs to be set up
The default setup already uses most of the console texts, which you can enable/disable and adjust to your needs in the console settings. You can use console types to e.g. filter the console display to only show battle related texts.
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Is there an easier or correct way?
I have more questions, but is it possible to hide the characters after the battle has started?
At the moment I have the characters out of view by putting them off screen once the battle starts.
Also, is it possible to call other schematics from a schematic?
Hiding combatants during battle should either move them out of the camera view or disable their renderers (Object Visible node). Don't disable them, as that most likely removes them from battle completely.
You can call schematics via Start Machine nodes. There's also the machine stack functionality, where you can put a bunch of them on a stack and execute them one after the other. You can also start tagged machines via the Start Tagged Machine node, either for a selected game object or all tagged machines in the scene.
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