Hello !
I got a slight issue since I upgrade my project from Unity 2020.3.30f1 to Unity 2022.3.10f1and upgraded Ork to 3.16 version.
In my game I have a distribution value points box with arrows that allow you increase/decrease the value then you click OK and the distribution validate.Last time I tried it was working fine but at the moment the distribution value works for the arrow part that select how much point you want to affect at some stats but I can't validate the action anymore.
All other boxes/menus part works fine.
Can you show me the setup of your status value distribution menu part?
Also, make sure your UI box prefab's setup is still correct, e.g. ok/cancel buttons still referenced, etc.
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Thanks for the test.In my side the whole things worked in June after you updated ORK and I don't remember any specific action for this to work.
I take the screenshot of the menu part ,the UI box I use and the OK boutton part in the UIbox I use because I don't see what's missing ^^
Might be that the UI box there has an issue or is displayed at a wrong position.
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I recreated the UIbox aswell thinking the version maybe breaked it but nothing more.
I will check the position in runtime because I have no idea why the Ok button doesn't work when everything else does^^ Even the distribution in this actual UIbox.
Its like the buttons are too far of the raycast or under the UIbox,right?
In my UI box prefab the OK button is "interactable" but once I play in runtime the button start "not interactable" wich seems normal but once I start to add point in the distribution value section ,this button that should become "interactable" stay "not interactable" even if it highlight.
Edit: Can confirm this, will be fixed in the next update.
In the meantime, you can work around it by adding an Accept type status value input.
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Thanks I will try this way^^
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