I am having trouble accessing the selection from the choice settings dialogue using Store Selection. It seems to only return -1 as the int selection. I was expecting it to return the index of the choice selected.

Is this working correctly?

Also, for Combatant Portrait Set, the node says it will only stay when using random portrait sets, otherwise the used conditions will kick in at some point. I don't understand exactly what that means. I have noticed that sometimes the portrait sets need to be updated before showing them or they revert back to the default set with index 0 for a combatant. I use different Combatant Portrait Sets for choices for combatant portraits. Is this the correct behavior for these?

Thank you!
  • Can confirm the store selection issue - it's stored when the box is closed, at which time the stuff is already reset. Will be fixed in the next update.

    As for combatant portrait sets, they can be used in 2 ways, either using a random set (ignoring conditions) or based on conditions. Changing the portrait set via schematic only works for the random set use, as otherwise the conditions will kick in.
    So, to use it the way you intend to, you need to enable Use Random Portrait Set, which will select one defined set randomly when the combatant is created, afterward you can change it via schematics.
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