Is it possible to increase Max HPs, Attack, or the main status values, without leveling up, and through Research?
For example: Health Research Level 1 = +15 HPs.
I know my research trees are working as I can use them to level up Abilities (such as the fire spell), but when I try to give myself a stat boost (completely outside of combat), I can't seem to achieve it.
I've been searching the forum and there are some relatable threads, but almost all are related to combat abilities.
Edit - This is all inside the 3D Playground - Here's my process: - I create an Ability called Health, hidden from player - I assign it to the combatant - I create a Research Tree, linked to Health's 3 Levels, add it to a prefab which I then add to the Combatant - I open a Research Tree and successfully click on the button to effect the new ability level - My stats don't increase (as displayed in the Status Value Preview HUD)
Research trees can directly give status value changes via the Status Value type research item.
The ability setup should work as well, might be an issue with it's setup? It'd need to be a passive ability giving the appropriate status value bonuses.
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Here's what's happening (stumbled across it when I unhid my Ability)...
My assumption was the Research Tree, when clicked, would apply the ability's bonus to my conbatant's MaxHP . What it does instead is apply the bonus to the Ability (Health), not the combatant who has the ability. The combatant needs to click on the Ability (now upgraded) which brings up the Combatant UI Menu, and then select themselves (just like a poition or Heal spell). The combatant's MaxHP increases.
Can I skip the middle parts and simply have the Research Tree upgrade my stat directly?
Judging from your answer above I can, so my setup must be wrong :)
Edit: It's not crucial, obviously enough, because I can just direct the player to use the Ability menu after upgrading the Ability through the Research Tree (which isn't such a bad idea)
It works as you described. I had my Research Item set to Ability, not Status Value. I also needed to add my Research Tree prefab to the Research Tree UI slot within the Item itself, as the tree did not show from the combatant's UI.
The ability setup would also work, but it sounds like you set up a useable ability instead of a passive one. Passive abilities are useable in None and offer other settings (status bonuses, etc.) - they'll give their bonuses to the combatant that knows them.
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My prototype UI is now more than half done...still some mysteries, but the fog is lifting. What's for sure is I'm only scratching the surface, but, as I keep reminding myself, with this system, that's deep enough.
The ability setup should work as well, might be an issue with it's setup? It'd need to be a passive ability giving the appropriate status value bonuses.
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Here's what's happening (stumbled across it when I unhid my Ability)...
My assumption was the Research Tree, when clicked, would apply the ability's bonus to my conbatant's MaxHP .
What it does instead is apply the bonus to the Ability (Health), not the combatant who has the ability.
The combatant needs to click on the Ability (now upgraded) which brings up the Combatant UI Menu, and then select themselves (just like a poition or Heal spell).
The combatant's MaxHP increases.
Can I skip the middle parts and simply have the Research Tree upgrade my stat directly?
Judging from your answer above I can, so my setup must be wrong :)
Edit: It's not crucial, obviously enough, because I can just direct the player to use the Ability menu after upgrading the Ability through the Research Tree (which isn't such a bad idea)
It works as you described. I had my Research Item set to Ability, not Status Value. I also needed to add my Research Tree prefab to the Research Tree UI slot within the Item itself, as the tree did not show from the combatant's UI.
Thanks again GiL.
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My prototype UI is now more than half done...still some mysteries, but the fog is lifting. What's for sure is I'm only scratching the surface, but, as I keep reminding myself, with this system, that's deep enough.