
I am displaying an additional HUD (ConsoleType) when I use a magic book (item to learn magic) from the item menu, but both the item menu and the added HUD are in focus.

How can I focus only on the newly added one?
  • HUDs don't have focus - while the console HUD uses a UI box for display, this one isn't focusable and always displayed 'focused'. Similar to other menu parts that act only as HUDs (e.g. combatant or information parts).
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  • edited February 2024
    Are you saying that it is impossible to switch the focus of the UIBox?

    I set the Lock Focus in the Show Dialog Node to True and it successfully switched the focus, but it did not work because the console cannot be displayed in this node.

    When a new UI Box is displayed, is it possible to shift the focus as when the Lock Focus in the Show Dialog Node is set to True?

    Sorry if this is not possible.

    Let me ask an additional question.

    In the starting diagram of the combatant level up setup, when a character levels up, the Choice in the Show Dialog Node is used to select which status to raise.

    When the battle is over and the two characters level up, the Ui Box will appear in the following order: first Dialog, Battle Gain, second Dialog.
    (Or more accurately, the Ui Boxes appear at the same time but overlap?)

    How can I change the order of these Ui Boxes so that the Battle Gain appears after the two Show Dialogs are selected in sequence, or the Show Dialog appears after the Battle Gain appears?
    Post edited by TomoTomotomotomo on
  • edited February 2024
    Focus changes are based on the player's interaction with the UI, e.g. accepting something in a menu or click/hover focus changes - but as said, HUDs are not focusable, the console HUD, even using a UI box, is also not focusable.
    The lock focus options you have available in some parts of the UI will block the focus changes while a specific thing is displayed (e.g. the dialogue).

    Battle gains are displayed based on your loot dialogue setup in Battles > Battle End, however, if you use a custom schematic in level ups to display a dialogue, that'll most likely happen at the same time as the loot dialogue is started, since that's when the level up happens.
    You could split this into 2 separate battle gains collections, e.g. one only collecting exp to cause the level up, and one to get the rest of the battle gains.
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • As for the additional question, it worked!
    Thank you very much.

    Is it possible to store the current console text in a script or schematic node in a string variable?

    If so, how can I do this?
  • Via script, yes, but not via schematics.
    You can get the current console text via ORK.Game.Console.GetLines function, there are different versions available for either getting all (for a defined number of lines) or limited by a console type or a list of console types.

    E.g. this will store the newest 10 lines in the console into a global variable text:
    Maki.Game.Variables.Set("text", ORK.Game.Console.GetLines(false, 10));
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