Hello !

Quick question !
In my game during the battle I would like to have the hero playing its ability in a battle menu then after this ,the other combatant will have another battle menu.
What I want to reach is that the Hero is non targetable and invisible(could be visible later on the side of the battle field cheering its team) on the battlefield but in the turn order.
I ddin't see any option to make the player (combatant in my data) non targetable by the IA(and the controlled combatant)^^
  • The easy way would be to remove the player from battle using a Leave Battle node.

    Alternatively, you can e.g. set up a status effect and use it as a mark to not be targetable. Abilities/items can use target conditions to only allow targets that don't have the effect applied.
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  • oh smart one ,The second one is definitely what I need ;)
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