I was able to solve some problems, but there are still some things I don't understand, so I would like to ask a question.
-For example, I would like to display the enemy boss monster's dialogue and then start the battle.
However, if I set the combat and interaction (with dialogue schematics) components for the boss character, only the dialogue will occur and no combat will occur after that.
Also, if I set the dialog Schematics at the start of battle to the battle component, the dialog will not occur.
How can I resolve this?
- In the complete version of the 3D tutorial, the battle screen has the player at the back of the screen, but I would like to have it in front.
Changing the battle start schematics or the rotation settings in "Game" → "Camera Position" does not work.
For some reason, the combatants sometimes appear far away in the battle scene, but in any case, I can't change the angle of view.
- I'm trying to create a schematic that objects disappear after speaking to a character. I can use "Destroy object" to erase the character I'm talking to, but I can't erase other objects. Even if I specify the name of the object, it will not disappear. I'm trying various other schematics commands, but I can't select most of the targets. I would like to be able to use various commands such as displaying images.
Could you please give me some advice so that I can do the above three points?
Thank you for support.
For #3 spawning Prefabs through schematics lets you store in Selected Data which you could then use as the object in a Destroy Object node. Another option is to specify the name in the Actor part of the schematic settings, use Find Actor Objects after they've been spawned (this is not needed if they are already part of the scene when the schematic starts), then call Destroy Object on the actor objects.
2) Hard to say without seeing what you've done - generally, you can place the camera however you like, either using camera positions or changing the position with any of the movement/rotation nodes available in schematics. The camera is still just a game object that can be changed however you need.
Just one thing to keep in mind, if you don't block the camera controls, the controls will counter any change you make, since they still take control of the camera.
3) This is generally handled using Actors in your schematic's settings node, which makes them available to the other nodes, and it mainly depends on where these objects come from.
E.g. if they are part of your scene setup, you can use the Game Object actor type, which allows you to select the game objects when setting up the machine component playing the schematic.
Otherwise, you can use the Find Object actor type to search for game objects at the start of the schematic based on name, tag or components.
Or spawn them as prefabs :)
As for images, there are a few nodes for showing and changing images as part of UI, see the image nodes in UI > Image.
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I knew I needed to use the schematic starting battle. However, I didn't realize that the enemies of the battle components set on the character would appear.
I also didn't realize that I needed to uncheck the interactive checkbox for the battle component. (1) has now been resolved.
I still don't know much about the camera.
I can move the viewpoint of the battle screen further away, but if I change the rotation part, the screen processing when I encounter an enemy will rotate instead of the battle screen before entering the battle screen.
Currently, I swap the positions of the enemy and the player so that the camera doesn't have to rotate.
By the way, I tried it with 3DRPG Quick Start.
Regarding (3)
I created a cube as a test, made it a prefab variant, and specified the prefab variant in the schematics destroy object, but the cube did not disappear.
Same situation using destroy prefab.
I'm going to try a few more things based on your advice.
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Its a photo of the camera settings.
If I change the Field of view, the camera perspective will change.
No matter what I do with the Rotation part, the screen during battle will not change.
I tried using two types of cameras.
After all, nothing changes even if I change the Rotation.
There is another problem.
When player fight the character player talked to
Both the character player spoke to and the battle character appear on the battle screen. If I erase a character using the schematics Destroy command, etc., the event will no longer progress.
Regarding (3)
I will also post schematics for this.
Generally, this camera position is from the zooming in effect that's used when a battle occurs and is not the one used for positining the camera to show the player and enemy groups.
Both the quickstart and playground tutorials actually don't use a camera position for the camera placement, rather they allow the camera control to take over, i.e. the camera is controlable during battles.
You can use the scene wizard (Window > Gaming Is Love > Makinom Scene Wizard) to create camera positions based on a selected camera and game object in your scene.
E.g. put a dummy cube somewhere and place the camera how you want it to look, have both selected and use the scene wizard to create a camera position.
3) Yeah, that naturally doesn't work.
Using a prefab would require to to spawn it first using a Spawn Prefab node. Destroying a prefab object selection via Destroy Object or Destroy Prefab will only work if the prefab was first spawned by the same schematic.
How do you start the schematic? If you use a machine component (e.g. Interaction Machine), use the Game Object actor type - that way you can select the used game object for the actor in the machine component's inspector.
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However, I'm still stuck.
Regarding (2)
Should I change the camera settings in the battle arena?
I manipulated the camera settings in the battle arena.
It seems that some settings such as perspective change will be changed.
However, the camera position and direction do not change.
I am thinking of dealing with this by changing the position of the character.
Regarding (3)
I'm trying to implement your advice.
Schematics has many commands.
The biggest problem is that I don't know how to specify various targets.
If I knew this, I would be able to solve many of my problems.
In most cases, as shown in the image, I don't know how to specify the target and can't do anything.
There is probably something to specify the target in advance.
Which one is that?
3) Well, you're nearly there - you just need to select the Game Object actor type here to have the actor available in your machine component that uses the schematic.
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Even if I specify actors and objects as shown in the photo, there is no reaction at all.
I tried various things, including prefabs and nondescript cube objects, but none of them disappeared.
This is because I did not understand that there was an Actor setting in the Machine exectuin settings, which is not a schematic.
In short, there were two places to specify characters and objects.
Thank you for your support, I was able to resolve the issue.