Hi, I have following problem: I want to show the health changes (preview of the status value) for the enemies, if the player select an attack / ability and target an enemy. Currently the preview works ONLY if I don't change the initial target cell. It has no effect if I select a different target cell. The affected range and the preview of the health changes stay at the initial target selection. How can I fix that? I added a GIF for clarification the preview stays the same even though the affected range of the selected ability is not on the cells of the combatants. I hope somebody can help me out. I really don't know how to fix that, and didn't found anything in the forum.
Here the gif (its a blinking preview but no matter which cell i select the status change depends still on the initial cell which was selected on start of the ability): https://jumpshare.com/s/Hp4DMtt7Ke1CeNUi6iYt

  • Hm, hard to say - generally, the preview would be displayed for all available targets, i.e. combatants that can be targets of the action that are within affect range of the selected cell.
    Additionally, the user of the ability can display the preview of how it's own stats are changed (e.g. use costs and user changes).

    Based on the video, I assume the user is also the combatant on that initial cell. Is the ability/item able to actually target the user itself? Otherwise it might be a setup issue, e.g. having the target changes actually set up as user changes.
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  • edited April 2024
    Hello, thank you for your answer. The user is also the combatant on that initial cell, correct. There are abilities which also affecting the target user - is this causing a problem (friendly fire is active for some attack abilities)

    Basically you are saying, that the change of the target cell should also change the preview, right? So, there must be setup issue on my site.
    Maybe you can have a short look into some screenshots, I studied your tutorials but maybe I overlooked something, but also with the simplest config the ability preview does not work correctly (on my site)

    Post edited by ApeTheMighty on
  • The screenshots look correct - so if the user isn't on a cell that's within affect range of the selected target cell it shouldn't have that damage preview.

    The only other thing I could think of would be the preview coming from something else, e.g. having cursor of a shortcut HUD that's previewing status changes for that action.
    You can check if this preview overriding is allowed in UI > Text Display Settings > Status Preview Settings. The Overrule Selection Previews setting handles this, e.g. disable it to not allow it.

    Otherwise, I'd need a Unity test project to check it out.
    It might still be a bug, as with previews there's only so much you can set up (i.e. either allow it or not), the rest is handled automatically in the background.
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  • Thank you. I found the issue. Yes, after I disabled the Overrule Seelction Preview, it works like expected.
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