"I equipped a one-click weapon, which changed the status value and attack power. I ticked the flight text for both status value and attack power, so why didn't it trigger?"

  • edited April 4
    Equipment changes don't cause flying texts - they're only coming from things that have settings for displaying flying texts (e.g. status changes from abilities/items).

    An alternative for this could be using the Change Schematics of the status value. They're used whenever a change happens to the status value and have access to the change value, etc. via local variables. I.e. you can display a flying text via the schematic.
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • Ok, I have another question. Why is there no notification for equipping? For example, if I equip a weapon called a dagger, it will display a notification. Unequipping it will also display a notification. I know I can write a schematic and set it to equip and unequip, but I don't know how to get the name of the current equipped weapon in the schematic. For example, how do I get the name of this dagger?
  • Well, there just are no notifications available for changing equipment. I'll look adding that for future updates.

    The equip/unequip schematics of equipment have it available as local selected data via the data key action. You can get content information of selected data via the Store Selected Data Content node, storing it into string variables that you can use e.g. in a Show Dialogue node to show a notification.
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  • ok , I just tested, equipped the weapon, disarmed the weapon, and changed the corresponding status value - attack, and set the corresponding diagram in the attack - status value change diagram option, but it did not trigger the diagram effect

  • Have you considered adding notifications for changes in status values when equipping weapons or other items?
  • I'll look into it for future updates :)
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