I just wonder whats is the path to check if the current ability is from a certain type . In my example I want the formula(the one in hitchance) to check is the current ability(the one that will be use after this check) is type X or type Y . So far I get the wrong result by using a check status >user > ability type and a selected data >"action" local > ability type.
In the first case all the abilities get a sucess result (the combatant has(learned) 2 abilities,one is an AOE and the other not. Whatever the ability that is used i get a success result. In the second case I got a failed result for whatever the ability that is used.
To be more precise I have a "skill" type that is the primary for lot of skills and the skills I want to check has an AOE subtype,hidden and is the subtype of "skill".
That's currently not possible - the Check Status node only checks a combatant, i.e. it'd check if it knows an ability of that type.
Currently, you have to set up separate formulas for this.
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Hum so there is no way to check an ability type that is about to be performed at all? And checking a specific ability is that working? If type are not available to check I could just add a check for all of them even if its a big work. This kind of check can be made in the hit chance formula(like is it working?)?
@omeegaa Its not super clean and needs to be manually handled, but you could make the "type" an Ability Variable and then check against that variable in the formula.
I did this for a few things in a project (hit chance, elemental type, power) so that I could display them separately in HUD elements too.
But again this is all manually on your side, so you open the possibility of misspelling, etc. since it isn't something enforced through ORK enums.
Currently, you have to set up separate formulas for this.
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And checking a specific ability is that working?
If type are not available to check I could just add a check for all of them even if its a big work.
This kind of check can be made in the hit chance formula(like is it working?)?
I did this for a few things in a project (hit chance, elemental type, power) so that I could display them separately in HUD elements too.
But again this is all manually on your side, so you open the possibility of misspelling, etc. since it isn't something enforced through ORK enums.