If it's the item, that's only to be expected - an item with 0 quantity is no longer there and is removed from the inventory.
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It's about the disappearance of items. Is it possible to add an option to display items with a quantity of 0, similar to the function of displaying items in a shortcut way? It can display items with a quantity of 0 (provided that they have been added to the inventory before. If they have never been added to the inventory, there is no need to display them). It may sound a bit confusing. Do you understand me?
Yeah, I understand what you want - I'll look into it.
Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found. If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
I can confirm that this will be in the next update - new options in inventory settings, item types, items, equipment, etc. to optionally keep them with 0 quantity in the inventory.
Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found. If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
If it's the item, that's only to be expected - an item with 0 quantity is no longer there and is removed from the inventory.
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!