I'd like to recreate a status window like the one in RPG maker in ORK3.
How can I display a list of the equipment equipped by a Combatant?
The Equipment list seems to have a different purpose, and it doesn't display when the HUD type is set to Combatant.
Please lend me some advice.
  • The HUD Equipment List component will list the equipment of a combatant, using shortcut UI of the equipment. See this part of the shortcuts HUD tutorial for how to set up shortcut UI prefabs and use them.

    There's also the HUD Equipment Slot (Content Provider) component (in combination with a HUD Equipment Slot Content component) to display something in a specific equipment slot.
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  • Thank you for your advice!
    I didn't fully understand how to use Shortcuts.
    Thanks to that, I can now use the Equipment List.
  • Sorry, I have another question.
    How to set Shortcut UI prefabs separately for Shortcut slot prefabs?
    Default Shortcut UI set in Makinom is displayed, but it doesn't work with other setup.
    Please tell me the specific setup procedure.
  • You can set up different shortcut UI prefabs for different content (e.g. items, abilities, etc.) and additionally different setups based on keys.
    If you click on Add Key Setup in any of the shortcut UI settings, you can set up a different prefab and a key. The shortcut slot HUD can define which shortcut UI to use via the key you put there, i.e. a shortcut UI with a matching key will be used.
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  • Thank you for your advice!
    Sorry, I was in a hurry and posted another discussion.
    It would be helpful if you could take a look at that one too.
    I'll try following your advice.
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