edited September 2014 in ORK Support

I am working on the battle menu and making custom Gui. I was wondering if there was a way to have custom choice buttons. From what I see, the choice buttons are not changeable. I would like to change them to a custom gui and change what happens when they are selected with a custom gui.

Thank you!
  • That will require you to do some custom scripting and changes in ORK's code.
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  • How hard would it be? What parts of the code would I have to change? Would the custom scripting be a completely new script to replace the buttons in unity and then a few changes in ork to get them working?
  • wouldnt this be achievable with just making new gui skin and then aligning your buttons to how you want them to look . my project as of now has about 12 different gui skins to cover every aspect of the gui just from all my prototyping so far there's alot of thing you can do with ork if ur willing to delve deep enough into the system with out needing to code anything. if you make a guibox an click on custom gui skin you will see that you can add multiple different gui skins to one gui box to make a really nice gui. dont know exactly what your looking for in a menu but id work with the gui systems bit before coding because what your looking to do might be possible with ork.
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  • If it' just a different skin when selecting a choice, that's easily done by setting up a Selected Skin in the GUI Skin settings.
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