How can i make a halo ability.like:other combatants in ability range can get buff or debuff. out of range combatants can't get.
  • That's set up in the ability's Target Selection Settings. If you want to target all combatants (e.g. all allies) within use range, you need to use a Group target range and set up a Use Range.
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  • Thanks for the help, this solves the problem of scope impact. I want to make a skill like this, after a unit uses the skill, friends in the range will get a buff, but the unit will move, other units will move, so how do you deal with the buff change
  • Oh, so only combatants staying within that range will keep the buff, but moving out will no longer have the buff?
    Are you using battle grids or is this for regular non-grid battles?

    The easiest way would probably be using 2 Trigger Machines, e.g. on a prefab spawned on the combatant. One trigger machine adds the buff on trigger enter, the other removes the buff on trigger exit. The collider (set up as trigger) on the game object would define the range.
    E.g. set that up as a prefab that's used by a status effect, so the buffing combatant just needs that effect applied and it'll get the prefab spawned on it, buffing all around the combatant.
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  • i use battle grids battle
  • In that case you could also use grid cell events, but that would need to be updated whenever the combatant with that buff halo around it moves.

    In short, using the Grid Cell Event node you can add events to cells - one adding buffs to combatants moving on it, one removing buffs when moving off the cell. Grid cell events need to be manually started, e.g. by the grid move schematic (the tutorials have that as part of the setup).
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