I currently have a problem where equipment that has a variable condition attached to them keeps on asking to be saved when no changes have been made on them.
This happens specifically to items -> equipment that has a variable condition, template setup with them. Whenever I enter play mode, play a little bit and exit play mode, any equipment that I select in the ORK Makinom will have changes to it (While I haven’t made any changes on them). If I hit the Save Settings in ORK, ORK tells me that the following data will change (equipment name) while I haven’t made any changes to it.

  • Most likely some setting that get's automatically initialized when displayed in the editor, shouldn't really cause any issue.

    Where is that condition used? E.g. as part of the Equip Conditions?
    Did a quick test with that and didn't happen for me, so if you can give me more detailed information on where and what that setup is, I can look into it.
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  • Hey GIL, thanks for taking the time and looking into this for me.

    The condition is used as part of the variable condition. The condition checks the combatants object variable settings. The combatant’s prefab has the object variables component that defines if the combatant is a human or an animal, and male or female.

    Back to the equipment, the equipment uses a template variable that checks whether the combatant is a human or an animal, and male or female. Based on this variable condition our conditional prefab for the equipment: male gears and female gears are checked to show the correct prefab for the correct type of combatant.

    When I remove the variable condition for the conditional prefabs, it stops doing the weird saving without any changes being made. Everything else including all the conditional prefabs are left the same and it works just fine.

  • Thanks for the deails, I think I found the issue - should be fixed in the next update.
    This is just a data initialization thing, though, nothing that can actually break your data, so no worries :)
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  • Thank you GIL! I'm glad you found it, and you're correct, it's nothing that breaks the data but because we are a small team, each working on different parts of ORK and using version control, there's always conflict when it comes to checking in the files; as the file is registered on being changed on both sides, when only one side made changes to it.
    I think if you're a solo dev, this indeed won't be a problem.
    I look forward to the fix, thanks again!

  • Also, a similar thing happens in Combatants -> Classes -> Development Settings where sometimes in the class level settings, using class level. The Status development selected would randomly go to none, as in not selected and we’d have to go and update it to what it was. This one is a bit random, so I can’t pinpoint what exactly causes it.

  • That setting has no initialization stuff going on and is based on the selected asset.
    The only way I can see this happening is either by someone with nothing selected checking this into version control or the used asset being removed/replaced by a new one that doesn't match the old one (i.e. Unity's asset GUID system).
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  • Ooh, makes sense. I'll look more into it and see what's causing it and indeed it only happens when doing version control. Thanks GIL!

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