Hey GiL,
1) I'd like to randomise the dungeon scene that loads, then make that inaccessible for the rest of that specific run-through.
I could use a chance node for each scene in the scene change schematic, but that won't remove it from being listed in the available list for the next change.
1b) How do I increment a level zone. Example I have 5 forest scenes. I would like to randomise their order as per 1) but I want each subsequent area to be 2 levels higher - as such I cannot hard-code the zone. I see there are options for both Formula and Variable key to be used, but how would I keep track of that variable? Does it need to go in a global machine? In Godot i would likely track area level in a global scene(script) and increment that each scene change, then reset it to default value upon Death or Escape.
2) How do I implement using a schematic for scene change in an openworld area instead of using a Scene Changer? Can I use a Trigger Machine component on a box collider?
Scene loads will need to check those variables, if they're set, don't load the scene and use a different one instead. The setup depends on how you handle your scene loads (e.g. schematic or scene changers).
1b) Use a global int variable to keep track of those levels. The level zone can e.g. use a formula, passing on the default level as start value of the formula. The formula simply adds that global int variable to the value and you'll have your updated level.
Naturally, you'll have to change that global int variable accordingly, e.g. at the end of a level before loading the next one.
2) Yes, scene changers are basically just a component used for convenience. You can do all of that via schematics and machines as well - e.g. a Trigger Machine starting on trigger enter.
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It appears my "Battle Start" schematic isn't being run on the 2nd floor. I've tried setting it as a "own start schematic" and changed the battle from autostart to "when scene is loaded", but it's still the same.
In the below video, you can see the scene loaded from unity successfully, and then from the previous floor. Below that is my scene change schematic.
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It works for the first scene change, everything changes from level 1 to 2, but form then on, they stay at level 2. I can't find a node in the schematics to add a value to a variable.
The first Value node is all you need, i.e. add the level zone variable to the formula.
You need to increase the variable itself.
E.g. in the schematic you use to load the scenes, before scene load increase the variable by 1 (or whatever you want to jump up) or set it to the value you want to use.
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Ah I see, there is the Change Variable node that i can use in a schematic. I spent ages looking through the Value>Variable node list last night and nothing usable jumped out at me.
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I've moved my camera as a child of the battle (because i move the battle during Awake() so that i can randomly spawn the player, and the camera needs to move with it so that I can maintain a constant distance from the battle)
In the video below you can see the scene loads fine if I run that scene. However if I change TO that scene, something goes awry. It start off fine, but once the battle starts you can see it snap away and change position.
Generally (especially when using the built-in controls) I'd recommend to not have the camera be a child object of something and handle placement via nodes in schematics and the camera control.
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