edited July 2024 in ORK Support
Please help me set up a combatant in ORK Framework (a turn-based rpg game) with the following abilities.

- Skill 1 (when the boss loses 10% health, it will use this skill once):
Damage: 50% HP to all characters, apply curse effect.
- Skill 2 (when the boss loses 20% health, it will use this skill once):
Damage: causing stun, poison, and 60% HP loss.
- When the boss loses 30% health, it randomly uses skill 1 or skill 2 again.
- Skill 3 (When the boss loses 40% health) use for 3 turns... if any attacks during this time, they will be counterattacked, losing 40% health and stunned.
- When the boss loses 50% health, it randomly uses skill 1 or skill 2 again.
- The boss uses skill 3 (when the boss loses 60% health, it will use this skill once) (only triggered when attached to the boss's mouth during a bite):
Pulls the target behind, gains momentum, and charges forward to bite, causing 100% HP loss.
- From 60% health onwards, every time it loses 5% health, it randomly uses skill 1, 2, or 3 once until it dies.
Post edited by Junny on
  • If you've followed the tutorials, the overall setup shouldn't be too complicated for you.
    The ability setup is pretty is pretty straight forward, doing status value and status effect changes in the target changes (status value changes can also be done in percent, see the Change In setting there).

    Using the abilities is done by the battle AI of the combatant, which can use Check Status nodes to check for conditions, e.g. HP being 50% or lower.

    Using the abilities only once (or once when reaching a threshold) can be controlled by the ability's setup - e.g. using use costs (like a special attack status value being consumed), use conditions or using limited use counts. You'd need to replenish the costs/count or set the condition (e.g. via a status effect or object variable on the combatant) to be able to use it again, though.
    This can be a bit complex. I'd recommend to use Change Schematics in your HP status value's setup. These schematics are automatically used on status changes of the statsus value and have information about the change available as local variables - including the old and new value of the status value. You can use this to check if the old value was above a threshold and the new value is below it, in which case you replenish costs/count or set the condition to use the special action.
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  • Thank you. I have a question how to setting turn for battle. I want enemy turn first and player turn second
  • You could set turn order to be based on level (if monsters are always higher level than player) or create a special hidden status value called Turn Order where players always == 0 and enemies always == 1.


    GiL may have a better way of doing it though.
  • Could you help me set up battle AI so that the combatant executes a skill when its health reaches a specific threshold? I've tried several times but haven't succeeded.
  • Did you try a setup like I described earlier?
    Can you show me what you've currently got?
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  • edited July 2024

    I set up battle ai like this and add battle ai in combatant. But it not work.
    Post edited by Junny on
  • The battle AIs you add to the combatants is used in the order they're added - i.e. if another battle AI is used first and finds a useable action, that'll be used.

    Is this the only battle AI of the combatant or are others added as well?
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