I have two problems
1. when reviving a combatant it revives them but they will still be on the ground with their death animation and when you use that combatant to attack they just drag themselves across the ground I would like to replace their dead body with a coffin
2. The abilities option in my menu says equipment instead of abilities and if you try to use the abilities or items you can't
  • 1) Did you set up a revive animation?
    Generally, if reviving is set up correctly (i.e. revive and also increase health to not die again), this is mainly an animation thing - e.g. depending on your animation system and setup (e.g. some parameter in a Mecanim animation controller being set and not removed on revive).

    2) Is this in battle menu or menu screens?
    My first guess would be that the option is just named wrong in your setup.
    Using abilities or items could depend on which menu this is - e.g. in menu screens can only use things that are available for use outside of battle and target allies.
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  • Sorry but I was talking about the main menu
  • Main menu as in menu screens?
    If your menu screen isn't set up to animate actions, the battle animation schematics will not be used, but in this case the revive animation would be used automatically.
    So, if that's set up correctly it should work.

    If you need further help with this, I'll need to know more about your setup - e.g. which animation system are you using, how are the animations (especially revive) set up, etc.
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  • Again sorry for the confusion Again I meant the main menu call the abilities part equipment instead and I can't use the item or abilities from the main menu even when they are set to be used in both the field and battle
  • If your main menu (I assume Button List menu part in a menu screen?) opens equipment instead of abilities, it's most likely set up that way in that menu screen. Check your settings.

    Abilities or items still have to be useable, e.g. use costs, targets being available (menu screens can only target the group members), etc.
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