
Im making a schematic which start a battle in the middle of cutscene.
its working well until i lost the battle, which just continues the schematic.
i would like to make the schematic stop when im defeated, so i put check battle outcome node after start battle node, but the node only return None (whether it should be victory and defeated).
1.) how can i fix so it returns the actual outcome of the battle?

2.) also why is the retry button disabled? i cannot figure out how to make it enabled.
  • 1) The main issue here is that the battle outcome is only valid during the battle end schematic - once they are done, the battle outcome is reset to None (since the battle is over).

    So, you'd need to handle this at the end of your battle end schematic, e.g. checking battle outcome there and setting a global variable based on that. You can check that variable in the schematic that started the battle.

    2) Retry is available if a retry save game has been created (e.g. via schematic or Retry Point type in a Save Point component), or if you previously saved or loaded the game.
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