edited July 26 in ORK Scripting
I'm using ORK for the first time and trying to integrate it with a project that involves a very specific turn-based combat system. I need help with the following:

- I already have a very similar ScriptableObject structure for managing enemy groups, which includes a list of enemies. Can I reference an ORK Group within my SO Group and instantiate its combatants from a controller script?

- In battles, the player has action points (AP) and can take as many actions as they have AP for. These actions require a QTE to be performed, so it wont work like a combo system or similar. However, enemy turns are handled in a classic turn-based manner, where they take only one action per turn. Can I reference the combatants and manage their status from my scripts? For example, decide which action the enemy AI will take or when the player performs an action, can I retrieve the attack value from an ability formula, apply damage to the target, or apply effects?

- As mentioned, player actions require QTEs, and both ability status and QTE commands are defined in a ScriptableObject. How can I reference an ORK ability within this SO so I can manage its settings from ORK while maintaining the QTE order I’m currently using?

Edit: Just read about using APs. That would help me but I still need some help on how I can use it with my system or how to use the QTE with ORK Abilities. To be more specific all the players actions are based on action cards where each action has a AP cost and after selecting a action the player needs to perform a QTE based on the selected action before it selects a new card.
Post edited by lmartim on
  • I'd recommend to go through one of the tutorial series first, e.g. the 2D or 3D quickstart RPG series.

    If you want to combine ORK with already existing custom or 3rd party features, that'll require custom scripting to get this working. Can't really tell you any details there without knowing anything about your things :)
    Generally, you can access ORK's functionality via scripting - e.g. using the data assets of a combatant or combatant group to access them and spawn them via scripting (see combatant scripting documentation).

    Things like the QTEs are best handled in the schematics animating your actions. There are nodes to check inputs (or wait for them) and do things based on that.

    Overall, ORK provides pretty much all of those features and it'd most likely be easier if you just use ORK instead of trying to combine it with your existing custom implementations, or at least use the built-in battle system and only handle a few things (e.g. QTEs if you already have a good system going there) as custom features.
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