I am still really new to using Ork but I am curious if I can glean anything from any of your moments where things just clicked. I havn't had a big moment yet, I've gone through the 2d Quick Start and really enjoyed it, a few things are beginning to click but it's taking time, which is fine. On to the Status Tutorial and 3d playground tutorial next.

So what about you? What was your big ah ha! moment?
  • In a general sense I think realizing the way the tutorials show individual pieces, that it's OKAY to not get it for each piece because it won't become clear until more context later on. Just have to trust that eventually the reason why you set something up will make sense later and it is connected. I think it was something with abilities, of putting it all together from SV tutorial in to 3D playground.

    By the time I finished it, I still used it as a guide when starting my game because it was hard to remember fine details from the beginning.

    Understanding schematics like Start schematic, Battle Start/End, Death animation, ability animation, phase/turn, item/equipment, combatant spawn schems, those are big moments because they're opening up control to you once you understand when they run and overrides, you can then do things at the appropriate times. It's hard to implement a system if you don't know Where to put the logic, the schematics are ran at specific points that matter.

    Use the search box for nodes in schematics, even if you're not quite sure what it is you're looking for, it may lead you to the right node. For example, not knowing how to set a variable, just typing "variable" in that search will lead you to the Change Variable node.

    Search the documentation link on this site.

    Use Google to search for threads on the forum, chances are someone has asked about it before.
  • I have no official moment, and still feel pretty dumb in regards to a lots of aspects, but it's just an accumulation of trial and error, wanting to do something and then brute forcing my way to figure it out.

    In regards to using google search mentioned by GeneralK above, make sure you use the format "site:https://forum.orkframework.com *your search query* "
    It works HEAPS better than trying to search in the forums.

    There's a tooltip that can be turned on the give you descriptions of each node when making a schematic as well, so that you can get a better idea of what does what.
  • The start machine node has a "share selected data" node that has to be enabled if you want to use the same selected data across schematics
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