I am getting an inconsistent behavior when trying to click-mouse select abilities in the shortcut HUD.
It seems some abilities can be selected and some can't.
I tried moving the abilities to different slots but the issue persists regardless of the placement.
I checked the UI settings of my abilities but they're all set the same way so I am not quite sure what might cause this behavior.
Any help would be appreciated :)
  • @ChimpLogik can you use the ability via battlemenu?

    First guess is maybe they aren't in range of a valid target? When you say they're set up the same way, does that include battle range template/mask and targeting conditions?
  • It was one of my guesses but the abilities work when I use the keyboard shortcuts so it seems more like an UI setting.
  • edited August 1
    Hmm and if another ability works to click in the same slot, then you know the shortcut settings work dang.

    Anything in common special about the broken ones like displaying additional info or something that is putting another component on the shortcut content that the working ones don't have? Like something blocking or consuming the click but only for those abilities

    Have you tried looking at inspector in running game and compare a working shortcut to non working? See if spot any difference
    Post edited by GeneralK on
  • Are the abilities displayed as useable in the HUD and just don't work or are they displayed as blocked?
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  • edited August 9
    I haven't tried comparing working shortcut to non working in the inspector, I'll look into it. Thank you for the suggestion @GeneralK.

    They should be useable but I currently don't have any visual feedback in my shortcut HUD.
    Is there a way to show:
    1) when an ability is selected in the shortcut HUD
    2) when an ability is useable in the shortcut HUD
    Post edited by ChimpLogik on
  • Yeah, that can be set up in the shortcut slot prefabs used by your shortcut HUD. Specifically, the HUD Shortcut Slot Content component has the State Changes settings to handle this, e.g. changing color. See this part of the shortcut HUD tutorial.
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  • edited August 9
    Enabling the state changes really helped, turns out 2 out of the 10 abilities in the Shortcut HUD are always inactive (regardless of the placement in the HUD).
    These abilities can't be used through mouse-click BUT they can be used through keyboard shortcuts.

    Not sure what might cause that, I went through these inactive abilities in the editor but I can't find anything that stands out form the other abilities.
    Post edited by ChimpLogik on
  • Can be based on the shortcut HUD's setup. E.g. the HUD Shortcut Slot Content component has settings for click use and target selections (e.g. allowing group/individual targets).
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  • edited August 11
    At the moment I am using the same prefab for all my abilities and its HUD Shortcut Slot Content component has both Use Individual Targets and Use Group Targets are set to false.
    Maybe there's a way to override these parameters from the abilities?
    Post edited by ChimpLogik on
  • Are the abilities that are not working ones that are targeting a combatant (e.g. via group targets) or an AoE (via raycasting)?
    Setting the shortcut slot in the HUD to use group/individual targets should probably solve this? It'd use the targeting actions on the already selected target and the AoE abilities causing the input for selecting a target position via raycast.
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  • They are both targeting individual targets combatant. I changed the shortcut slot in the HUD to use group/individual targets but didn't fix the issue.
    I am starting to think this odd behavior might be related to this topic
    since the availability of those slots change when other actions/interrupts happen (that should be completely unrelated).
  • Yeah, most likely something in the interrupt keeps those abilities not useable - I guess we'll continue this via email :)
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  • Any update on that end?
  • Sorry, not yet.
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