I have a crafting recipe where I want the user to have a certain item to craft, but then it not be used, so I have it as an ingredient and the chance % is zero. I'm trying to test which UI I'd rather use, so I have two different screens, one with a crafting list and one with a crafting. I'm finding the crafting is working as I would expect, but the crafting list is not returning my ingredient despite it being a zero chance. The consume unused setting is unchecked and I'm using group inventory. Do I need to use the crafting menu item? I prefer the look of the Crafting List.
In case you're using a Space Limit setup (see your Inventory > Inventory Settings), that might be what's preventing the items from being returned - e.g. the crafted thing being added reaching the limit so that no other items can be added.
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But I would like to have a notification appear if the player puts in items that don't make a craft, is this possible? I attempted adding a fail notification both under where you set up all notifications and specifically under the recipe but neither is working while my other notifications do. I tested a failed schematic but that does not run. I also tested a pre-crafting schematic and that is not running either (both are just unity logs so I could see when they trigger).
Additionally, I would like each craft to require some gold, but I would prefer the player not have to drag gold over as that is tedious. Is this possible either? I can remove the gold at the same time I am adding back the ingredients in the ingredient schematic and I can check if they have enough gold in the schematic but I can't figure out how I would cancel the schematic, especially if the precrafting schematic doesn't run for crafting lists.
So my only remaining question is if it is possible in a crafting list to somehow notify the player that the items they put in the list did not make a craft.
I'll add a new notification for this in the next update.
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