im getting this message

Assets\MyScripts\CombatantSelector.cs(89,22): error CS1061: 'ORKGameHandler' does not contain a definition for 'Variables' and no accessible extension method 'Variables' accepting a first argument of type 'ORKGameHandler' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

this is what's in my code causing the issue

ORK.Game.Variables.Set(ORKVariableName, name);

please help
  • I was following this tutorial

    But I am using ORK 3 I might just have to buy 2 and make my game with that
  • In ORK3 its under the Makinom namespace now:

    Maki.Game.Variables.Set(ORKVariableName, name);
  • Thank you so much I knew it was something like that just couldn't figure it out.
  • Can't believe I actually got this working on a different version
  • For more information on scripting with ORK 3, check out the ORK and Makinom scripting documentation.

    Many things stay the same between ORK 2 and ORK 3, just namespaces changed and some functionality is found in Makinom's side of things now :)
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