Hi, a few days ago I bought this asset and I am happy with it,
but I wonder, where I can get informations about the setup for a point and click movement with an Navmesh agent.
I can't find anything about that in the tutorials or the documentation.
Maybe you can help me to setup up such a thing.
For animations I want to use the animator controller, maybe you canhlep me with the setup (movement and Idle), too
Best regards
My controller in my current project is just a wrapper around a NavMeshAgent so this will work for that setup as well.
If you're using ORK's animation setup with speed forwarding to control idle/movement animations, it's pretty straightforward. Set up a blend tree based on a speed parameter and use that parameter in ORK's animation setup to automatically forward the movement speed.
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Thank you
@Acissathar Thank you, too. Great tutorial for the Mecanim Animation Setup, helps alot