Sorry if this has been asked before I'm new to this framework and I tried searching.
I currently have a character selection screen working only problem is it is choosing a conditional prefab of the same combatant for each character. Each character should be their own combatant that way I can have the proper names, portraits, abilites, etc. for each character.
I'm curious what the start schematic would look like for this too because only 1 combatant can be chosen to "Join group"
If anyone has any advice that would help a lot thank you.
Choosing a combatant will usually use a Show Dialogue node that adds choices for the combatants.
Alternatively, you can also store combatants in selected data and use a Selected Data Choice node to show them as choices and have the player select one. E.g. first join all combatants to the group and use a Select Combatant node to store them in selected data - or a Spawn Combatant node to create new combatants and spawn them, storing them into selected data.
The Selected Data Choice node will store the combatant the player selected into a separate selected data, which you can use further in other nodes, e.g. joining it to the player group, doing stat changes, etc.
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