1a. Is there a way to change the "Escape" "action info message" and make it say something besides "Escape"?
(The built in escape button doesn't have anywhere to put in a schematic or anything to say what message it sends before it initiates the escape schematic. I put a "successfully escaped" action info message in the escape schematic, but I would want the initial built in message to say something different than "escape"... )
1b. Is there a way (with or without a schematic) to have a "failed to escape" message play when the escape attempt fails?
2. Is there a way to spawn a new combatant into an empty battle spot AFTER the battle has started?
(For the player faction, I would want it to happen as an ability... Like a summon... With a limit reached notification (action info message) if all battle spots are filled... And for any combatant added into the battle in this way to disappear after the battle is over and not appear in the group menu out in the field...)
(For the enemy faction, I would want it to either be timed or cast as an ability from an existing enemy, with the same auto stops trigger when all enemy battle spots are filled)
(I know how to summon combatants mid battle in grid based but I'm getting confused when trying to do it with battle spots)
2) Yes, using the Join Battle node you can either add a newly created combatant to the battle or an already existing combatant joins the battle (e.g. first using a Spawn Combatant node to create and spawn one at a specific position). Those combatants can also be marked as temporary, to e.g. easily remove them after the battle (Remove Temporary Combatant node).
Combatants joining a battle will automatically receive the next free battle spot.
You can also use the Join Battle Animation schematics to animate new combatants joining in on a running battle (set up in the general combatants settings like other action animations, e.g. for escape).
In Battles > Battle System > General Settings, you can also use the Auto Join Settings to have combatants nearby a starting battle automatically join in, or combatants getting close to a running battle join it.
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Is there a way to have the name of the summoning ability be "greyed out" (similar to when there is not enough mana to cast the ability) when the set group size (limit) has been reached. So the player can't even cast the summoning ability to begin with once the group is full. But if one of the summons dies or is desummoned, and a battle spot is freed up, the player will regain the (ungreyed out) ability to potentially cast on their turn??
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But I think this was a little too deeply nested to be found intuitively without having to ask.
Is this a case where this one was specifically explained somewhere deep in the documentation?
So, if you ever need to check something that's connected to combatants (including the group they're in), there's a 99% chance it's in there :)
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1a. In the battle scene, is there any way to position the "player battle HUD" either relative to the combatants position on the screen, or relative to the battle spots...?
(Basically I want the battle HUD for a specific combatant to be right under that combatant...)
1b. Is there a way to use the "world space HUD", in place of the player battle HUD, or set the player battle HUD to work like the world space HUD?
And can this type of world space battle HUD be put on the enemies in the 2d quickstart battle scene too?
2a. Is there any way to show more info about status effects within the HUD?
(Ideally a number next to the icon that counts down to show how many more turns the effect will last!
2b. Is it possible to add an onclick/touch popup that shows info on what the status effects is, when the player holds click/touch on the icon of the status effect... ?
And would this type of button interaction work on the "world space HUD/dialogue"?
1b) Yes, just as in the world space HUD tutorial, which uses the 3D action RPG as an example. So if your player HUD is set up as a Combatant Object HUD you can also use world space canvases.
2a) Yes, e.g. check out the status effects UI part of the player HUD tutorial. This adds the duration as a text, but you can e.g. also add it as a value bar (which can e.g. also fill a sprite as a circle, for those typical radial displays).
2b) The HUD Click component can be used for this kind of thing, as it e.g. can toggle a game object on/off.
I.e. set up that detailed information as part of the status effect UI's prefab (e.g. a child object) and have a HUD Click component on it toggle that child object on/off.
Should still work in world space UI.
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