I've created a description field for my inventory, and have not checked Always Visible, However this has made it never visible.
It seems to load at the start and hide, but then never shows again.

This video shows some real erratic behavior with when it shows and doesn't show.

Any idea what's going on?
  • Do you possibly have fade schematics setup and reversed? To me it looks to me like it's fading out when being opened rather than fading in.
  • It wouldn't be the first time. But I didn't add any, so must be in default settings - but then other menu's appear fine. hmmm. I'll investigate any way.
  • I've identified how this works. IF the object is selected/highlighted when the window becomes focused, the description box does not show.
    Hopefully this video does a good showing what happens.
  • Did some tests with different combinations and seems to be working fine on my end.
    I'll need a Unity test project to check this out with your settings.
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