edited August 27 in ORK Scripting

I am encountering this error when running this code. I want to add experience to an ability via code. It seems that this error occurs whenever I attempt to use my AbilityShortcut object. For example, ability.GetName(); also triggers the error.

public void TriggerAbilityExp() {
Combatant player = ORK.Game.ActiveGroup.Leader;
AbilityShortcut ability = player.Abilities.Get(abilityGuids[Maki.Game.Variables.GetString(currentRecipeTypeVar)]);
Method call failed (GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.GetCraftCollection): TriggerAbilityExp Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Post edited by Neziak on
  • edited August 29
    The Get function of the combatant's abilities doesn't use the GUID of the ability from the settings, but a unique GUID for that combatant instance. The inventory works the same way (and some other parts) - basically having a GUID for instances.

    Insetad, you need to get the ability's settings using it's GUID and use that to get the ability instance. Use this code to get the ability:
    AbilityShortcut ability = player.Abilities.Get(ORK.Abilities.Get(abilityGuids[Maki.Game.Variables.GetString(currentRecipeTypeVar)]));

    Also, some null checks might be a good idea to make sure no error occurs :)
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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