edited September 2014 in ORK Support
I'm not finding anything in search. And, I haven't seen anything in ORK directly.
So, is there anything built in that would allow me to select the active character by clicking on their portrait vs. pressing the keyboard buttons that you set up?

Thought I would ask before I started work on coding something to do this.
  • have you tried to make it a button? kinda like how the inventory an stuff is set up were u pick a character to use an item ect. just use a gui skin with with custom buttons or what ever for the choice selection add a portrait element ect ect i think this could be done through a complex hud... but your probably thinking more long the lines of the player hud which is probably still doable..
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  • Are we talking about menus or HUDs?
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  • From a Player HUD.

    This is a common method of selecting which character you are interacting with in PC games of this type, at least, all of the ones I have played :)

    For example, if I wanted to view the stats or inventory of character B, I would click on his portrait to change to his stats, inventory, etc.

    I was thinking of just of writing a script that would change the selected character with a uGUI overlay on the player HUDs unless there was a way through ORK.

  • Currently not, but I can add this in one of the next updates.
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  • That would be great!
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