Hello there,

I am developing a turn based RPG using ORK Framework; and I am looking to integrate some custom combat mechanics into the system. Specifically; I want to introduce a combo attack system where certain skill combinations trigger a more powerful effect when used consecutively within a battle. For example; if Skill A is used; and then Skill B is used right after; a combo attack should trigger; boosting the damage of Skill B or adding a secondary effect like a status ailment.

I have been browsing the documentation and the forum but have not found detailed guidance on how to implement this type of mechanic. I have some experience with the event system and custom formulas; but I am unsure of the best approach to detect and track these skill sequences during combat.

Would it be more efficient to handle the combo tracking within the ORK event system; or should I script a custom solution for this?

How can I ensure that the combo only triggers if the skills are used consecutively; with no other actions in between?

Also, I have gone through this post; https://forum.orkframework.com/discussion/7048/questions-soc-analyst-about-card-game-mechanics-and-custom-battle-system-possibilities which definitely helped me out a lot.

Is there a way to display a visual cue or a notification to the player when the combo condition is met?

Thanks in advance for the help and assistance.
  • edited September 2024
    One simple way to do this is status effects, my game has nearly 200 of them, most of them are hidden and are just nice temp flags to assign to my combatants, you have full control over how long they last, and can even tie events to them when they start or end, and there are all sorts of ways to check for status effects in or out of combat.
    Post edited by Wrofir on
    Miuratale : coming March 29 2025
  • Yeah, either use action combos or status effects.

    Action combos automatically change selected actions based on combos being used. E.g. using skill B within a defined timeout after skill A (without any other action inbetween) could change skill B to skill C.

    Status effects can be used to 'mark' the combatant as having used something, having other actions do different things based on that.
    E.g. skill A could add status effect 'skill A used' when used with an action-based duration (e.g. ending after 1 action). Next action can use status conditions in target status changes to check if 'skill A used' is applied and do different status changes based on that (higher damage, adding some other status effect, etc.).
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