How do I interrupt a loop in an ability Battle Animation Schematic so the following Battle Animation Schematics of the ability are not executed?
I have currently tried:

1) Stop Battle Actions node using the correct Combatant
2) Select Battle Actions + Set Battle action Finished using the same local Data Key in the Schematic

but they weren't effective and the ability keeps executing all the Battle Animation Schematics.
  • edited September 24
    Generally, stopping an action will still execute all schematics, but they'll start in a stopping state - i.e. it'll only execute nodes that have Execute On Stop enabled (see the toggle settings at the top of each node).

    There's the Is Schematic Stopped available to check if the schematic is stopped, maybe try adding that and some debug output (Unity Console node) to see if it's stopped.
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • I tried as you suggested and added Is Schematic Stopped at the beginning of each Battle Animation Schematic and wherever there is a loop with a debug, but it doesn't get called.

    That said you last message really helped understanding the process of schematic interruptions and working on an alternative plan. Thank you Nicholas :)
  • If Is Schematic Stopped failed, that means that the action isn't stopped.
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