
im trying to use research tree to upgrade my equipment level.
i have made the research tree, but i couldnt find where i can assign the research tree to the equipment , just like i did for skill (assigning the research tree on combatant).

how can i properly configure research tree to equipment upgrading?
  • edited October 2024
    Research trees are assigned to combatants, not equipment.

    While you can set up research trees to get equipment, they don't work on specifically selected equipment. E.g. you can set up a research item to give you sword lvl 2 and require sword lvl 1 and other things as research cost, but you can't select which items are selected for the costs that are consumed.

    However, next update will add a new level upgrade system for equipment and ability levels. You'll be able to define per-level upgrade costs (same as research costs) in the equipment/ability and upgrade using new menu screen parts (or sub menus in other menus).
    See this twitter post for a preview :)
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • ok thank you i'm looking forward to using it !
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