Hello, we’re currently trying to figure out a way to update title descriptions.
Currently we’ve created an enhancing system to level up equipment using schematic but when the equipment levels up via the schematic, the name of the title doesn’t update with it. E.g Sword level 3 -> Sword level 4.
The player would have to click away and click on the item again to see the update. Is there a way to refresh or update the UI?
We did ask a while back in the forums for a feature that allows leveling up equipment with additional cost requirements the way crafting or research tree is setup other than level points. If this is being planned by chance, then we will simply wait.
If not, is there a way to refresh the title description?


At 10 seconds of this video you can see it happening.
  • The video isn't available anymore, guess I missed it ...

    Where is that title displayed, e.g. a menu screen?

    Next update will add a new upgrade system for equipment and ability levels where you can define costs like in research trees (i.e. status value and item, currency, etc.). See this twitter post for a preview :)
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  • Hey GIL, I hope you're doing well!
    Yes, it's a title displayed on a menu screen.
    I've uploaded the video here: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AtneEP9h5F1tnpIQHFr8BFU-d25Guw?e=vel5dl

    YES, exciting times! Seeing your twitter post made our day! We can't wait to get our hands on it! I appreciate the hard work you put into ORK. =)

  • What's the menu screen's setup like? E.g. which menup arts are you using, what's that part displaying the name, etc.?
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  • Hey GIL, to break it down, I’m using the Menu screen part, equipment, in it I’m using the usual UI Box, that uses title content. In that prefab I have the Title content using the UI content (Text mesh pro), the text being attached to it. The usual.

    But I believe that the problem is because I’m using the Menu Screens -> Equipment -> Sub Menu Settings -> Menu Item -> Schematics. I’m using a schematic to simply level up the item. Everything works as intended, but the Title content’s text isn’t being updated unless I click away from it. As in it doesn’t update in real time.

  • Yeah, the title of the sub-menu is only set when showing it, so if it keeps open this'll not update.
    Instead of the title, try using HUD elements to show the equipment's name.
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  • Aaah, I will try that. Thanks!
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